
Member Function    Description  
allIt returns true when all bits are 1. It returns false, if one or more bits are 0.
anyIt returns true when at least one bit is 1. It returns false, if all the bits are 0.
countIt returns the total number of bits set to 1.
flipIt toggles the value of all the bits, or it toggles a single bit at the specified position.
noneIt returns true when all bits are 0. It returns false, if one or more bits are 1.
resetIt sets the value of all the bits to 0 or at the specified position.
setIt sets the value of all the bits to 1 or at the specified position.
sizeIt returns the number of bits.
testIt tests whether the bit at a specified position is o 1.
to_ullongIt returns the sum of the bit values as an unsigned long long.
to_ulongIt returns an unsigned long that would generate the sequence of bits contained if used to initialize the bitset.
to_stringIt returns a string representing the bits.

#include <bitset>

std::bitset<4> data;
data[0] = 1;
data[1] = 0;
data[2] = 1;
data[3] = 1;

#include <bitset>

std::bitset<4> data(11);
wstring text;
text += data[0] ? L"1" : L"0";
text += data[1] ? L"1" : L"0";
text += data[2] ? L"1" : L"0";
text += data[3] ? L"1" : L"0";
// the value of text is number eleven in binary: L"1011"

#include <bitset>

std::bitset<4> data(wstring(L"0110"));
wstring text;
text += data[0] ? L"1" : L"0";
text += data[1] ? L"1" : L"0";
text += data[2] ? L"1" : L"0";
text += data[3] ? L"1" : L"0";
// the value of text is: L"0110"


Wintempla provides the Sys::BoolArray class to efficently store an array of bools, the size of the array can be set at run time and can handle bigger arrays than bitset .
Wintempa proporciona la clase Sys::BoolArray para almacenar en forma eficiente un arreglo de bools, el tamaño del arreglo se puede fijar en el momento de ejecución y puede manejar arreglos más grandes que bitset.

Sys::BoolArray data(10);
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.GetBitCount(); i++)
     data.SetBit(i, i%2 == 0);
data.Show(hWnd, L"Value");

Sys::BoolArray data(18);
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.GetBitCount(); i++)
     data.SetBit(i, i%3 == 0);
wstring text;
::MessageBox(NULL, text.c_str(), L"BoolArray", MB_OK);

Sys::BoolArray data(L"000011110001");
data.Show(hWnd, L"1");
const int count = data.GetActiveBitCount();
wchar_t text[32];
_snwprintf_s(text, 32, _TRUNCATE, L"Number of Ones = %d", count);
::MessageBox(NULL, text, L"BoolArray", MB_OK);
data.Show(hWnd, L"2");
data.Show(hWnd, L"3");
data.Show(hWnd, L"4");

Sys::BoolArray data(24);
data.SetInt8(0, 120);
data.SetInt8(1, 92);
data.SetInt8(2, -40);
wchar_t text[64];
_snwprintf_s(text, 64, _TRUNCATE, L"%d, %d, %d", data.GetInt8(0), data.GetInt8(1), data.GetInt8(2));
::MessageBox(NULL, text, L"BoolArray", MB_OK);

Sys::BoolArray a(L"1011101110011");
Sys::BoolArray b(16);
b.CopyBits(a, 2, 8);
b.Show(hWnd, L"b");

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